Go for God

Go for God

Summary: If there is a phenomenon in this universe which forever defies natural description, and if science is also found to be incapable of providing a plausible account of it based on material processes alone, then there, and there only, God can show up by proving to be necessary.

The Whole is unborn, uncreated, without a beginning and without an end.

Summary: The Whole, by virtue of its being The Whole, or by default, is changeless. An entity, here The Whole, for which no change can ever occur, cannot be created; it is uncreated. Similarly an entity, for which no change can ever occur, is unborn, without a beginning and without an end.

The Whole is unborn, uncreated, without any beginning and without any end

The Individual's Conscious or Unconscious Creation of Experiential Reality

All experience is the product of a relation in which the Individual that is apprehending the experience is involved. All experience, in its wantedness or unwantedness, is a reflection of the Individual's mode of being as allowing or resistant, a reflection of whether the Individual is choosing to flow with or against their more fundamental Individuality or Self as that Individual is involved in the relation that is creating the particular experience it is, in that moment, apprehending.

Biographical Note

My name is Dainis Zeps and I have lived all my life in Latvia. My first professional education I received at Latvian University, 1972, in specialty of theoretical physics, and as a physicist I started to work afterwards, being mostly engaged with programming, but reentering Latvian University once more already as a researcher, I turned to combinatorial mathematics, graph theory, which is my professional orientation up to now. In 1980 I became active member of Lutheran church, becoming student of Lutheran Seminary at 1986.

The Experiential Basis of the Spiritualist /Materialist Duality

All experience is the product of some relation of Existence to Itself. More specifically, all experience is the product of some relation of an Individual Existence to some other part or aspect of Existence, as that product is apprehended from the Individual's side of the relation. Thus, all experience is the product of a relation in which the Individual that is apprehending the experience is involved. Therefore, in the absence of the Individual's involvement in a particular relation, there is no particular experience created and apprehended by that Individual.


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