Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Fri, 08/09/2013 - 02:57
Can something come from nothing?
Once upon a time there was an atheist who raised a very intelligent question: how can a non-thing have any attributes? Very recently the same question has been asked by a famous American atheist also. We all know that the atheists do not believe in the existence of God. So, as per them God is a non-thing, and therefore this non-existent God, or this non-thing, cannot have any attributes at all. But here I will show that even if God does not exists, still then this non-existent God (non-thing) can actually have many attributes.
Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Mon, 07/29/2013 - 03:12
As I got the first proof/evidence for the existence of God, so I thought that time had come to publish my book in Bengali. But then an incident happened on which I had no control whatsoever. I was suddenly transferred to a remote part of India. Of course it was a routine transfer, because the job I was doing was under the Government of India, and therefore there was every possibility to be transferred to any part of India during my service life. The place where I was transferred was in the north-eastern part of India. It was called Nagaland.
The Physics of Now: Experiential Consciousness Research (by Amrit S. Sorli): The universe is really a self-renewing being in its own right. The universe itself is God. In the model of the universe we developed, the “mathematical universe” itself is the direct medium of the information between the particles. In the mathematical universe the transfer of information is instant. In the material universe, at the scale of photons, information spreads at the speed of light. We need to keep in mind that consciousness is not information.
Submitted by Steven Kaufman on Fri, 05/31/2013 - 12:37
My philosophy is very simple. The universe is actually and ultimately composed of the same thing that apprehends the universe. That is, that which apprehends the universe is that of which the universe is actually composed. What Exists at every point in the universe, and in all likelihood beyond, is the same thing that Exists directly where each Individual Exists, which is the Consciousness that apprehends experience.
(By Steven E. Kaufman): Maya, as the phenomenon that conceals from the Individual both its own Nature as well as the Nature of the universe as being composed of Consciousness-Existence, is a result of the unavoidable and inviolable functioning of two experiential limitations.
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