Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Sun, 04/02/2017 - 09:15
In an earlier article1 I have shown how an atheist tries to suppress his opponent’s voice. Recently I have come across another instance of this.
In one YouTube video comment section one person has written that theists are hilarious because they demand evidence for a multiverse, although they cannot provide any evidence for their God. He has also written that at least multiverse has intensely strong mathematical support behind it.
Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Sat, 02/18/2017 - 04:45
Only two things can make me convinced that there is no God:
1) If science can show that this universe does not need any God; and
2) If science can show that God of the theistic description cannot exist.
Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Tue, 11/01/2016 - 14:09
About the God who was never there it has been said that he/she/it is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. About the God who was never there it has also has been said that he/she/it is spaceless, timeless, changeless, immortal, all-pervading, one, unborn, uncreated, without any beginning, without an end, everlasting, non-composite and immaterial.
Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Sat, 06/04/2016 - 01:36
Some scientists are now saying that the universe is eternal, that it has always existed even before the big bang. Universe in its present form is only 13.8 billion years old, but before that it has existed in some other form. But before the big bang there was no space and no time, because space and time came into existence along with the big bang only. So if the universe was always there even before the big bang, then it was neither in space nor in time, because before the big bang there was no space and no time. Being neither in space nor in time it will thus be spaceless and timeless.
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