Spaceless, Timeless, and Immaterial

1) Physicists have shown that the total energy of the universe is zero.
2) SR has shown that mass and energy are equivalent.
3) Again GR has shown that space, time, and matter are so interlinked that there cannot be any spacetime without matter; similarly, there cannot be any matter without spacetime. There is a saying of Einstein on this: "When forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one sentence: Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter." (Source: Google search)

Based on the three above, it can be shown that the universe as a whole is spaceless, timeless, and immaterial.

The total energy of the universe being zero, it can be shown that its total matter is also zero.

The famous equation of Einstein from SR shows that E is equal to m multiplied by c squared. If E is zero now, then m will be equal to zero divided by c squared, which will also be zero. So, the total energy of the universe being zero, Einstein's famous equation shows that in that case, the total mass of the universe will also be zero.

Now, the below portion is from Google search:
//What is mass in Physics with example? Mass can be best understood as the amount of matter present in any object or body. For example, a table, a chair, your bed, a football, a glass, and even air has mass. ... That being said, all objects are light or heavy because of their mass.//

As the total mass of the universe is zero, so the total amount of matter present in the universe will also be zero.

As the total matte of the universe is zero, so we can say that the universe as a whole is immaterial.

If the total matter of the universe is zero, its total spacetime will also be zero because as per GR, there cannot be any spacetime without matter.

What does it mean that the total spacetime of the universe is zero? It means that the universe as a whole is spaceless and timeless, or non-spatiotemporal, if we use the new scientific term that has replaced the old one spaceless and timeless.

We have already seen that the universe as a whole is immaterial. Now we have seen that it is also spaceless and timeless. So, we can say that the universe as a whole is spaceless, timeless, and immaterial.

Again, the total energy of the universe always remains zero. Therefore, the universe as a whole will always remain spaceless, timeless, and immaterial.

That means the universe as a whole does not change at all.

As the universe as a whole does not change at all, so we can say that the universe as a whole is spaceless, timeless, changeless, and immaterial.

That nicely explains why the wave function of the universe does not contain any time variable.

However, the above conclusion will be falsified if anybody in the near or distant future can show that the total energy of the universe has a non-zero value.