Is there any spacetime outside our universe

From special theory of relativity we come to know that matter and energy are equivalent. And from general theory of relativity we come to know that space, time and matter are interlinked and that there cannot be any space and time without matter. As matter and energy are equivalent, so we can also say here that there cannot be any space and time (or spacetime) without energy.

Dr. Sten Odenwald has provided the following information on behalf of NASA Astronomy Cafe, part of the NASA Education and Public Outreach program:

The Consciousness Problem

In an earlier article ‘Existence of anything can ultimately point to God’1 I have already shown that if anything exists at all then ultimately there would have to be something that would be neither in space nor in time, as otherwise there would be an infinite regress.

Talk at Water Conference 2018

Invited talk at Water Conference 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria:

Why zero was invented by India and not by any other civilizations

In one YouTube comment thread I have written the following to a theist:

Atheists very frequently ask this question: If God created everything then who created God? If one answers their question by saying that God needs no creation, then their usual reply would be that it is some sort of special pleading, because if everything needs creation, then why not God?

Is there no evidence for God?

Recently an atheist has written that if there is a god and if this god affects our reality, then he would be a part of nature. So we will be able to measure the effects of this god in our reality, even if we cannot understand them. But until now we have not measured anything attributable to such a god.

But it is definitely not true that we have not measured anything attributable to such a god. So I have to present my argument to him as to why I think his contention regarding this is not true. Below it is:


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