Various Aspects of Consciousness (Part 2)

About Consciousness (by Peter Hankins): Abstract: I run a blog entitled “Conscious Entities” at which is devoted to short discussions of some of the major thinkers and theories about consciousness. This paper is a small collection of my writings on consciousness which the editor of JCER very kindly selected to appear here. The first section illustrates the wide range of different ways in which people have defined consciousness.

Various Aspects of Consciousness (Part 1)

Our Ability to Research Comes Before Understanding of What We Research (by Dainis Zeps): Abstract: Impact of quantum mechanics on physical science epistemology and science at all is considered. We consider methodolically idea that science doesn’t research its assumed objects but the ability to research, thus making itself not distinguishable from the cognitive science in the most general sense.

One GOD Models & Mystical Experiences

The One Savior Paradigm (by Dainis Zeps): Abstract: The one savior paradigm is discussed not only as doctrinal aspect of religious teachings but as one of mostly manifested aspect of our psychic, that should be adequately investigated. We suggest simple idea that could serve as starting cognitive model for the one savior paradigm, that might give effect in considering global aspects of humanity, e.g., such as global economy and exact sciences in more friendly connection with religious thinking.

Confucian Analects Book XIV Part 4 (孔夫子論語:憲問第十四 第四部份)

Author: Confucius (孔夫子); translated by James Legge

The Master said, When those above love courtesy, the people are easy to lead.



41. 子路宿於石門。晨門曰:「奚自?」子路曰:「自孔氏。」曰:「是知其不可而為之 者與?」

Confucian Analects Book XIV Part 3 (孔夫子論語:憲問第十四 第三部份)

Author: Confucius (孔夫子); translated by James Legge

The Master said, Never murmuring against Heaven, nor finding fault with men; learning from the lowest, cleaving the heights. I am known but to one, but to Heaven.



31. 子貢方人。子曰:「賜也,賢乎哉?夫我則不暇!」

Tzu-kung would liken this man to that.
The Master said, What talents Tz'u has! Now I have no time for this.


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