Let Prespacetime Physics Begin with the Spirit of LHC Success on March 30, 2010 (Part 1)

The Possibility for Answers from Physics (by Jonathan J. Dickau): Abstract: When considering the question of what is possible to learn in Physics, we are grappling with issues of what is known, what is unknown, and what is knowable. To an extent, this involves weeding out meaningless or misleading questions and nurturing those questions which will lead us to a greater understanding of what is happening in the universe. But often such a determination rests on finding a broad enough framework to accommodate known factors emerging from different disciplines.

Confucian Analects Book XV Part 2 (孔夫子論語:衛靈公第十五 第二部份)

Author: Confucius (孔夫子); translated by James Legge

The Master said, Right is the stuff of which a gentleman is made. Done with courtesy, spoken with humility, rounded with truth, right makes a gentleman.



11. 子曰:「人無遠慮,必有近憂。」

The Master said. Without thought for far off things, there shall be trouble near at hand.

12. 子曰:「已矣乎!吾未見好德如好色者也!」

Confucian Analects Book XV Part 1 (孔夫子論語:衛靈公第十五 第一部份)

Author: Confucius (孔夫子); translated by James Legge

The Master said, A high will, or a loving heart, will not seek life at cost of love. To fulfil love they will kill the body.



1. 衛靈公問陳於孔子,孔子對曰:「俎豆之事,則嘗聞之矣;軍旅之事,未之學也。」 明日遂行。在陳絕糧。從者病,莫能興。子路慍見曰:「君子亦有窮乎?」子曰:「君子固窮,小人窮斯濫矣。」

PSTJ V3(4): Computational Explorations of Riemann Hypothesis & Riemann Zeta Function

Experimental Observations on the Uncomputability of the Riemann Hypothesis: Part I & II (by Chris King): Abstract: This paper seeks to explore whether the Riemann hypothesis falls into a class of putatively unprovable mathematical conjectures, which arise as a result of unpredictable irregularity. It also seeks to provide an experimental basis to discover some of the mathematical enigmas surrounding these conjectures, by providing Matlab and C programs which the reader can use to explore and better understand these systems (see appendix 6 in Part II).

PSTJ V3(3): Fractal Universe & Various Aspects of Chaos

Why the Universe is Fractal (by Chris King): Abstract: Life exists in the universe because the laws of nature arising from cosmic symmetry-breaking are intrinsically fractal and embrace chaotic dynamics in a manner that permits new structure to emerge on increasing scales, as we move from the level of fundamental particles to organisms. In a fundamental sense this is a cosmological property of the universe, because complex living systems represent the most complete interactive consummation of the four fundamental forces of nature.


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