New Nonlocal Biological Effect Produced through Quantum Entanglement

The research team of QuantumDream, Inc. has released a new preprint on their findings of new nonlocal biological effect produced through quantum entanglement. See (or here

This new paper will be published by NeuroQuantology (

The abstract reads:

On Pure Consciousness, Singularity, Metaphoric Phantoms & Mindnature: Part 2

Ramachandran’s Metaphoric Phantoms of Matter in Mind: Telling Tales on the Tell-Tale Brain (by Graham P. Smetham): Abstract: In his recent book The Tell-Tale Brain Vilayanur Ramachandran explores in great metaphoric detail his materialist notion that consciousness is nothing more than the brain’s neurons linking and resonating together in synesthetic-metaphoric patterns determined by materialist-mechanistic evolution.

On Pure Consciousness, Singularity, Metaphoric Phantoms & Mindnature: Part 1

Towards a Science of Consciousness: Hunt of Major Impact Factors (by Pradeep B. Deshpande, B. D. Kulkarni): Abstract: A perspective on the development of a science of consciousness is presented. The article begins with a proposed definition of pure consciousness that is followed by an explanation of why anyone might aspire to progress towards it, how one might make progress, what obstacles are likely to be encountered, and what the significance of reaching the destination might be.

New Perspectives on Reality: Part 2

Quanta Mathematica Instrumentalis! (by Dainis Zeps): Abstract: Quanta mathematica instrumentalis, from Latin, might mean how much mathematics for physical applications. But we try to give this expression another meaning. We discuss how mathematics and its instrumental nature could serve as paradigm for other human activities and science in general. We introduce notions of higher observer and field of information. We discuss question why we are to study and develop mathematics more diligently than we do in natural way.

New Perspectives on Reality: Part 1

The Experiential Basis of Wave-Particle Duality and The Uncertainty Principle (by Steven E. Kaufman): Abstract: In this article, physical reality as a whole is defined, thereby revealing the actual nature of physical reality to be that of a boundary created by a relation, as that boundary is apprehended from one side of the relation that brings it into existence.


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