New Perspectives in Physics

The Unified Reality Theory I: The Relational-Matrix Model (by Steven E. Kaufman): Abstract: Our modeling of space-time as a structure must include an analysis and description of these two complementary aspects, i.e., something that exists, and the way that something is arranged into a structure. What space-time is made of we will analyze and describe in terms of spatial content. This description will leave us with a model of space-time as a dynamic structure. For reasons that will later become clear, we will call this model the relational-matrix model.

JCER V3(5) Published: Metaphorms, 100 Years of Archetypes, Problem of Experience & Informational Reality

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research has just published its latest issue Vol 3 Issue 5 entitled "Metaphorms, 100 Years of Archetypes, Problem of Experience & Informational Reality" at

Table of Contents


Metaphorms: Physics Is Not Beyond You and You Make It Matter Part I (by Iona Miller)

Metaphorms: Physics Is Not Beyond You and You Make It Matter Part II (by Iona Miller)

On This 4th of July CERN Announces the Discovery of a New Particle

On This 4th of July CERN Announces the Discovery of a New Particle. For more detailed analysis, please read Philip Gibbs' viXra Log.

The following are excerpts from the Press Release of CERN:

Leaked Video Points to Stronger Evidence of New Particle

A leaked video points to stronger evidence of a new particle. The evidence is based on the data collected in 2012 from the ATLAS and CMS experiement of Large Hadron Collider ("LHC") .

See here: ;

here ;

SGJ V3(5) Published: Toward the Unification of Science & Spirituality

Scientific GOD Journal has just published its latest issue V3(5) entitled "Toward the Unification of Science & Spirituality" at We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit SGJ website to review articles and items of interest.

Table of Contents (



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