Divine Quantum Information Structure Plus the God of God Particle

The Physical Universe as a Divine Quantum Information Structure (by Peter Kohut): The information essence of the Universe dominates over its physical aspect. Its dynamic hierarchic information structure is a manifestation of a divine Mind with its Idea (Intelligence), so the Universe is rational and comprehensible for us. Our individual consciousness as a part of universal consciousness of God deals with information carried by energy. Only consciousness can give the real sense to information coming to us from the objective world through energy supporters.

Beyond The Undulant Quiescence Plus an Ongoing Model of Reality

Natural Philosophy: Beyond The Undulant Quiescence (by Iona Miller): Like pandisciplinarian research, natural philosophy explores the cosmos by any means necessary to understand the universe. A strategic model retains usefulness for comprehending our own nature in the environment, beyond yet integrated with the models of science. Transgressing the fortified boundary between natural science and the humanities, the hidden language of the archetypes of nature helps us translate the dynamics of our Being and Becoming.

The Whole Sum Infinity & Science of Neurotheology

The Whole Sum Infinity: Merging Spirituality and Integrative Biophysics (by Iona Miller): We all have our own metaphysics – a worldview – whether we are aware of it or not. Science can and should contribute to that worldview of how things are and work, but should not monopolize it. We should locate scientific understanding within a wider view of knowledge that gives equally serious consideration to other metanarratives and forms of human insight and experience. Perhaps we must learn to respect both domains to understand fully the world in which we live.

The Nonlocal Mind Paradigm

The Nonlocal Mind Paradigm: A Transdisciplinary Revision of Mind-Body in Philosophy, Art & Science (by Iona Miller): There is a pre-physical, unobservable domain of potentiality in quantum theory. It is the basis of fundamental interconnectedness and wholeness of Reality. Nonlocal consciousness is not confined to specific points in space, including brains or bodies nor the present moment. It is an ordering principle that can inject information into disorganized or random systems.

More Alternative Ideas in Physics

On Calculation of Elementary Particles’ Masses (by Alexander G. Kyriakos): In a previous paper we showed that the existence of the size of the electron does not contradict the quantum field theory. This allows us to consider the electron and other particles as an electromagnetic volume resonator, capable of holding electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency. We assume that the reason of appearance of the mass spectra of elementary particles is the addition of nonlinear electromagnetic waves to this resonator.


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