Book Reviews:"Creative Evolution" & "Creative Evolution Revisited"

Review of Henri Bergson's Book: Creative Evolution (by Stephen P. Smith): Spirit, and the mystery implied by vitalism, is reduced to the deep mystery of time and its two windows. Bergson's vitalism appears to us as a great differentiation and fragmentation, followed by a division of labor. But the support given to our eyes to which appearance is given is a sentience capable of the most subtle awareness coming as hindsight, and this quality may go unnoticed in mere appearance that sees only differentiation. Is humanity doomed to its intellect, unable to find the intuition we need?

Book Reviews: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions & Panpsychism and the Religious Attitude

Review of Thomas S. Kuhn's Book: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (by Stephen P. Smith): Kuhn rejects the attainment of truth that comes from science, but then he is found accepting the absolute truth of a Darwinian evolution now operating above the conflicts of science. To Kuhn, only this blind watchmaker drives the emergence of new scientific paradigms, and a successful paradigm is fittest merely because of an empty politics. Kuhn goes from contradiction to a circular argument: that science finds no truth because truth is not permitted at the level of the paradigm.

SGJ V3(8) Published: On Matter, Spacetime, Materialist Metaphysical Dogmatism & Reflexive Praxis

Scientific GOD Journal has just published Volume 3 Issue 8 entitled "On Matter, Spacetime, Materialist Metaphysical Dogmatism & Reflexive Praxis" at :

More Thoughts on Light, Matter, Space & Time (by Himangsu S. Pal)

Reflections on Materialist Metaphysical Dogmatism (Part I) (by Graham P. Smetham)

Reflections on Materialist Metaphysical Dogmatism (Part II) (by Graham P. Smetham)

JCER 3(8) Published: On Quanta, Consciousness, Creativity, Natural Psychedelic State, Physical Realm & Paranthropology

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research has just published Volume 3 Issue 8 entitled "On Quanta, Consciousness, Creativity, Natural Psychedelic State, Physical Realm & Paranthropology" at .

Possible Quantum Model of Consciousness Interfaced with a Non-Lipschitz Chaotic Dynamics of Neural Activity (Part I)

PSTJ V3(10) Published: Progress in Physics

Prespacetime Journal has just published Volume 3 Issue 10 entitled "Progress in Physics": :


The Gravitational Field of an Accelerating Mass: Gravitational Waves (by Antoine Acke):


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