Explosion of Consciousness & Possible Memory Code

The Explosion of Consciousness: TSC Conference Tucson Arizona 2012 (by John K. Grandy): It may be said that TSC conference 2012 was an explosion of consciousness with a wide variety of presentations related to consciousness. The war of the worldviews was an interesting introduction to the conflict between the spiritual and material accounts of consciousness, but in the end there was a sense that more effort should be placed on establishing some common ground. There was a great deal of focus on neurology and NCC.

Sartre’s Contribution Consciousness Study & Molecular Uniqueness of Major Depression

On the Quantum Mechanics of Consciousness: Sartre’s Contribution (by Rui Freire Lucas): The present paper constitutes an effort to integrate the knowledge of two distinct scientific disciplines: psychology and quantum physics. This intention will be fuelled by the current need of clarification on what concerns quantum measurement problem, consciousness and respective relationship. For this matter, we choose to use the concept of consciousness described by Jean Paul Sartre in his work.

Reflection: Higgs Status at the End of 2011

Refined Higgs Rumours (by Philip E. Gibbs): We report here refined Higgs rumours before the December 13, 2011 announcement by CERN about Higgs search results of LCH. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/320

Higgs Alternative & Reality in a Holographic World

If the LHC Particle Is Real, What Is One of the Other Possibilities than the Higgs Boson? (by Huping Hu, Maoxin Wu): In the prespacetime model, an unspinized particle governed by a matrix law is the precursor of all spinized particles and thus steps into the shoes played by the Higgs particle. We speculate here that what has been found at the LHC, if real, is plausibly the unspinized particle of the prespacetime model. The wave function of a fermion or boson is respectively a bispinor or bi-vector but that of the unspinized particle is two-component complex scalar field.

Luminous Ground & Synchronicity

Luminous Ground: The Zero with a Thousand Faces (by Iona Miller): Whether or not the universe arises from ‘Nothing” depends on what one means by that word. A ‘quantum vacuum,’ can be distinguished from the philosopher’s, mystic’s or theologian’s idealized ‘nothing’. What we formerly took for nothing turns out, on closer examination, to have the makings of electrons, protons and neutrons. Ever since physics first penetrated the atom, a new kind of uncertainty has become a principle of science. The archetypes of cosmic history are those of raw nature. Nothing has ever existed.


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