Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 50: True Compassion Is Compassion at Times of Difficulty!

Millions are suffering in the U.S. East Coast after Hurricane Sandy! Please show your compassion for those affected by this severe and historical storm and pray for their recovery from the losses!

True compassion is compassion at time of difficulty not flashy or catchy words, phrases or pictures at time of ease!

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 51: GOD Bless the Recovery and Rebuilding of the U.S. East Coast

May GOD bless the recovery and rebuilding of the U.S. East Coast and other affected areas!

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 52: God Bless U.S. East Coast

May GOD bless all in the U.S. East Coast and other affected areas during Hurricane Sandy!

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 53: Guglielmo Marconi - Science Is the Expression of Supreme Will

My Encounter with God: Part I

My Encounter with God: Part I: It was nighttime, and I had not yet gone to sleep. I was lying on the bed upside down, that is, my chest resting on the bed, and not my back; my head on the pillow pointing towards east, and my two hands also pointing upwards. Suddenly a tremendous force gripped my body so heavily that I could not make any movement of my body, but I could not see the presence of anybody in the room.


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