Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 40: Francis Collins "Language of GOD"

Francis Collins: Language of GOD (compiled by Tihomir Dimitrov)

FRANCIS COLLINS (born 1950), [Director of the National Institutes of Health (2009-Present)]

1. In the introduction of his book The Language of God (2006) Francis Collins wrote:

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 41: "God Is a Living, Intelligent and Powerful Being"

Isaac Newton: God Is a Living, Intelligent and Powerful Being" (compiled by Tihomir Dimitrov)

SIR ISAAC NEWTON (1642-1727), founder of Classical Physics and Infinitesimal Calculus

1. At the end of his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (London, 1687) Newton wrote:

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 42: A Call for New Chinese Enlightenment

The Chinese Dream of the 21st Century:
A Call for New Chinese Enlightenment

(July 4th Movement)

Benevolence, Civic Duty, Equality, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness under Scientific GOD
(First published in Sciurch of Scientific GOD Volume 1 Issue 5)

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 43: We Shall Overcome!

On Nov. 7, 2012, people in the U.S. East Coast are experiencing a Winter storm while recovering from Hurricane Sandy. GOD Bless and We Shall Overcome!

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 44: American Democracy at Work

On Nov. 6,2012, Americans go to poll and select our next President. GOD Bless America!


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