Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 21: Experimental Aspects of Scientific GOD

Experimental Aspects of Scientific GOD

As we mentioned earlier, Scientific GOD is about the scientific aspects of GOD both theoretically and experimentally. Today we discuss the experimental aspects of Scientific GOD. Some mystical experiences and laboratory/drug-induced altered states of consciousness such as Persinger's "God Helmet" experiments should also fall within the experimental aspects of Scientific GOD.

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 22: Giordano Bruno on GOD & Wisdom

Giordano Bruno on GOD & Wisdom (compiled by Tihomir Dimitrov)

GIORDANO BRUNO (1548-1600), Italian philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician, founder of the theory of the infinite universe

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 23: Michael Persinger & the GOD Experiments

Michael Persinger (1993, 2010a & 2010b) and his Research Group are known for the "God Helmet". He is a pioneer in the field of experimental studies of mystical experiences.

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 24: James C. Maxwell on Science & Christ

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 25: How GOD Created Light & Its Governing Law

How GOD Created Light & Its Governing Law

Scientific GOD is about the scientific aspects of GOD both theoretically and experimentally and GOD’s scientific revelations. It is a new pathway to truth and unity in the age of science and technology. Scientific GOD provides scientific foundations for many spiritual, mystical and metaphysical teachings of all traditional religions, spirituality and mysticisms.


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