What Is the Big Picture in Fundamental Physics? [by Philip E. Gibbs]: http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/292 It is worthy to note that a theist vs atheist divide increasingly polarises Western politics and science. It has already pushed the centre of big science out of the United States over to Europe. It is no longer sufficient to justify fundamental science as a pursuit of pure knowledge when the men with the purse strings see it as an attack on their religion.
Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Wed, 09/18/2013 - 09:47
The first half of the 20th century brought a revolutionary change into our concept about space and time. Earlier it was thought that space and time were having independent existence, and that they were absolute. Even if all the matter disappeared from the universe, space would remain the same and unaffected. Similar view was held about time also, that time flowed in the same way throughout the universe and that this flow did not depend on anything. But with the coming of Einstein’s theory of relativity our concept about space and time has undergone a total and drastic change.
Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Sun, 09/15/2013 - 11:21
After I came back to Kolkata, my first job was to publish my first book in Bengali, showing that there was indeed a God. It was published in January, 2003. I gave the book for reviewing purpose to one Bengali daily newspaper and another to one Bengali literary magazine of very high repute. Review done in the newspaper was very brief, but it was not unfavorable to the book. But the review done in the literary magazine was very harsh and cruel. But the reviewer was dishonest, because he very scrupulously remained totally silent in his review about that particular portion of the book where I had given my reason as to why the mystical experience could not be discarded as a mere hallucination.
Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Sat, 08/17/2013 - 11:44
Easiest Way to prove that there is a God
We know that at the speed of light time totally stops. With this scanty material in our hand we can easily show that there is indeed a timeless and deathless entity in our universe.
For doing this we will have to philosophize a bit here, although we know very well that most of the scientists hate philosophy. But we are helpless. However, we promise that it will be as simple as possible.
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