Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Wed, 07/01/2015 - 01:22
It can be shown in some indirect way that the net energy of the universe is zero. For this, we will have to first determine as to whether the universe has a beginning in the past, or whether it has an eternal past. I think that there is a consensus among scientists that the universe is not past-eternal, but that it originated from a big bang 13.8 billion years ago. So we can say now that the universe has a beginning. Now there are only two options that can be taken into consideration while discussing the beginning of the universe. We can ask: 1) did it originate from nothing?
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Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Sat, 06/13/2015 - 01:49
When scientists say that the universe can simply come out of nothing without any divine intervention, they think of the universe in terms of its energy content only. In the book ‘The Grand Design’, page 281, scientist Stephen Hawking has written that bodies like stars or black holes cannot just appear out of nothing, but a whole universe can. The message is very clear from this: The total energy of a whole universe is zero and that is why it can come out of nothing; but stars or black holes will fail to do so, because their total energy is not zero.
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