Description of Experiencings, Paraphysical Jurisprudence & the Process of Becoming 'I'

Description of Experiencings, Paraphysical Jurisprudence & the Process of Becoming 'I'

Valid Description of Experiencings & Thereby of Behaviors & Situations by Merton Krause

Knowing without Mind, Unknown Factor in Life & Buddhist Psycho-Metaphysics

Knowing without Mind, Unknown Factor in Life & Buddhist Psycho-Metaphysics

Samapatti & Knowing without Mind: Explanation by Vedanta by Syamala Hari, Alan J. Oliver

Explanation of Samapatti, Cosmic Hyperdimension & Christmas Consciousness

Explanation of Samapatti, Cosmic Hyperdimension & Christmas Consciousness

Explaining Samapatti & Knowing without Mind by Vedanta by Syamala D. Hari, Alan J. Oliver

Why are We Here on Earth?

We are here on earth, because God needs us.

The question 'Why are we here on earth?' can be answered in two steps:
1) First of all we will have to know as to whether there is any God or not;
2) If we can somehow come to know that there is a God, then we can further ask the question as to why he created the universe.

When we will have the answer to this question, we will also come to know as to why the universe exists, why we exist, or why we are here.

The above two have already been answered here1 and here2 respectively.

Why did God create The Universe?

John Zande, a militant atheist, in a blog post Why? A Challenge to all Believers (December 4, 2015)1 has put this question to all believers:

Why did your God create this universe?


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