Irony of Modern Science

About the God who was never there it has been said that he/she/it is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. About the God who was never there it has also has been said that he/she/it is spaceless, timeless, changeless, immortal, all-pervading, one, unborn, uncreated, without any beginning, without an end, everlasting, non-composite and immaterial.

Spaceless and Timeless God and Quantum Entanglement

We say God is all-pervading, God is everywhere. God is everywhere means God is present at each and every point of the universe. Although God is present everywhere, yet it is not the case that God’s presence is more at some points of space and less at some other points of space. Rather we will say that God is equally present everywhere. We will say that God is wholly present, fully present, entirely present at each and every point of the universe.

Is there any need for the Supernatural?

The difference between the atheists and the scientists is this: atheists can afford to be dogmatic or close-minded, but scientists cannot; their job or profession forbids them to be so. As scientists they have got some responsibility that the atheists do not have. As scientists they are supposed to provide explanation for all the events, phenomena or effects in nature and therefore they have to keep their mind open to the possibility that they may not always be able to explain everything purely naturally.

Does God Exist if God is neither in Space nor in Time?

About God it is usually said that he/she/it is spaceless and timeless, that he/she/it is beyond space and time, that he/she/it is outside of space and time and that he/she/it is neither in space nor in time. What does all this actually mean? Does it mean that God does not exist? Actually many atheists think so. Some of them have expressed their doubt in this way:

Not Only the Believers but the Atheists as Well Can Be Close-Minded

It is not that only believers are close-minded; there are lots of atheists and non-believers who are close-minded as well. I will give just one example here.


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