Laozi's Dao De Jing 79-81 (老子道德經 79-81)

Author: Laozi (老子); translated by James Legge

Sincere words are not fine; fine words are not sincere. Those who are skilled (in the Tao) do not dispute (about it); the disputatious are not skilled in it. Those who know (the Tao) are not extensively learned; the extensively learned do not know it.


和大怨,必有餘怨﹔報怨以德,安可以為善?是以聖人執左契,而不責于 人。有德司契,無德司徹。天道無親,常與善人。

Chapter 79

Confucian Analects Book XII Part 2 (孔夫子論語: 顏淵第十二 第二部份)

Author: Confucius (孔夫子); translated by James Legge

The Master said, A gentleman shapes the good in man, he does not shape the bad in him. The small man does the contrary. The Master said, Talk faithfully to them, and guide them well. If this is no good, stop. Do not bring shame upon thee.

16. 子曰:「君子成人之美,不成人之惡。小人反是。」

SGJ V3(2): New Uncertainty Principle, Cosmos ex Natura & Relation of Chaos Equation to God

Scientific GOD Journal has just published its latest issue at

Scientific GOD Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2012): New Uncertainty Principle, Cosmos ex Natura & Relation
of Chaos Equation to God

Table of Contents:

A New Uncertainty Principle Containing the Level of Consciousness by Pradeep B. Deshpande & B. D. Kulkarni

JCER V3(2): Science of Enlightenment & Various Aspects of Consciousness

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research has just published Volume 3 Issue 2 at

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Science of Enlightenment & Various Aspects of Consciousness

Table of Contents

The Brahma Uncertainty Principle by Pradeep B. Deshpande, B. D. Kulkarni

PSTJ V3(2): Higgs 2012, Quaternion Mass, Conformally Compactified M4 & Classical-Quantum Consideration

Prespacetime Journal has just published its latest issue at

Prespacetime Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Higgs 2012, Quaternion Mass, Conformally Compactified M4 & Classical-Quantum Consideration

Table of Contents

Special Reports

Higgs 2012
Philip E. Gibbs



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