Confucian Analects Book XIX Part 2 (孔夫子論語:第十九 第二部份)

Author: Confucius (孔夫子); translated by James Legge

Tzu-hsia said, if we teach one thing in the way of a gentleman first, shall we tire before reaching the next? Thus plants and trees differ in size. Should the way of a gentleman bewilder him? To learn it, first and last, none but the holy are fit.



11. 子夏曰:「大德不踰閑,小德出入可也。」

On Fractional Calculus, Q-Computation, Lorentz-invariant Gravity, Axiomatic Method & Physical Intuition

Prespacetime Journal has just published Volume 3 Issue 6 entitled "On Fractional Calculus, Q-Computation, Lorentz-invariant Gravity, Axiomatic Method & Physical Intuition" at

Table of Contents

Mysteries of Creation, Evolution & the Void: Part 2

Grand Design, Intelligent Designer, or Simply GOD: Stephen Hawking and His “Hoax” (by Victor Christianto): Abstract: Stephen Hawking only wish to have his words heard, regardless whether there are sufficient proof. According to Black Hole proponents, there should be Black Hole inside the galaxy center of our Milky Way. But despite there is very large mass inside the Milky Way center, its center remains bright that is enough disproof for all hypotheses of Black Hole by Stephen Hawking.

Mysteries of Creation, Evolution & the Void: Part 1

Another Look at Physics: It's a Dynamic Universe (by Diosdado F. Fragata): Abstract: The different disciplines of Physics were based on principles which, if not taken into consideration, result in apparent conflicts and misinterpretations. A careful analysis of these underlying principles however would provide us a deeper understanding of the basic postulates that must be adopted in order to lay down the ground works towards unification.

Various Aspects of Consciousness & Nature of Time Continued: Part 2

The Great Divide That Separates Humans from Animals (by Roger Cook): Abstract: This paper explores the implications for time and consciousness that derive from the fact that animals live their lives locked into the present. This would seem to make language and consciousness logically impossible for non-human animals. The second section explores the implications that arise from the theory of evolution, and concludes that it is very unlikely awareness of time could have been generated in animals during evolution by natural, or artificial, selection.


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