Cosmology & Gravity: Part 2

Orthodox Quantization of Einstein’s Gravity: Might Its Unrenormalizability Be Technically Fathomable and Physically Innocuous? (by Steven K. Kauffmann) Abstract: Many physical constants related to quantized gravity, e.g., the Planck length, mass, curvature, stressenergy, etc., are nonanalytic in G at G = 0, and thus have expansions in powers of G whose terms are progressively more divergent with increasing order.

Cosmology & Gravity: Part 1

Theoretical Foundation of Gravito-Electromagnetism (by Antoine Acke): Abstract: Under the heading “gravito-electromagnetism”(G.E.M.), the analogy between gravitational and electrical phenomena that is expressed by Newton’s law of universal gravitation and Coulomb’s law of electrical interaction, is extended to a formal analogy between the gravitational and the electromagnetic fields. In this paper we present an introduction to G.E.M. and we propose a theoretical foundation of this topic.

Grand Designer, GOD & Science, Before Big Bang

The Grand Designer: Can Hawking's Godless Theory of Everything Run without GOD (by Graham P. Smetham) Abstract: Hawking-Mlodinow Theory of Everything (“HAM-TOE”) requires the assumption that mathematics has within its own nature the power to ‘breath fire’ into its own equations. But one must ask what actually guarantees that just because ‘the positive energy of matter can be balanced by the negative gravitational energy’ it must follow that the universe ‘will create itself from nothing.’ Hawking was the seventeenth occupant of the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge University.

Confucian Analects Book XX (孔夫子論語:堯曰第二十)

Author: Confucius (孔夫子); translated by James Legge

The Master said, He that does not know the Bidding cannot be a gentleman. Not to know good form is to have no foothold. Not to know words is to know nothing of men.



Quantum Brain, Mind or Consciousness: Part 3

Quantum Mind in TGD Universe (by Matti Pitkänen): Abstract: The basic difficulties and challenges of Quantum Mind program are analyzed. The conclusion is that the recent form of quantum theory is not enough to overcome the challenges posed by the philosophical problems of quantum physics and quantum mind theories, and the puzzles of quantum biology and quantum neuroscience.


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