The Rise of Collaborative Spirit in Science: Part 2

Generalization of Thermodynamics Allowing Negentropic Entanglement & a Model for Conscious Information Processing (by Matti Pitkänen): Abstract: Costa de Beauregard considers a model for information processing by a computer based on an analogy with Carnot's heat engine. As such the model Beauregard for computer does not look convincing as a model for what happens in biological information processing.

The Rise of Collaborative Spirit in Science: Part 1

The Rise of Collaborative Spirit in Science and the Fall of the "Iron Curtain" (by Huping Hu): Abstract: This issue marks the one year anniversary of the maiden voyage of Prespacetime Journal (“PSTJ”) as a vehicle for physicists, mathematicians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the origin, nature and mechanism of spacetime and its possible connection to a prespacetime.

Scientific GOD Based on Reason, Revealed Knowledge & Spiritual/Mystical Experiences: Part 2

The Nature of God: Part I (by Peter Kohut): Abstract: Using dialectic logic, not only the nature of the physical Universe but also the nature of God can be detected. God as “I am” is the highest, richest but simplest form of existence. So it represents the starting point of the whole being and the eternal process of self-consciousness. “I am” contains everything in its total unity. It needs no other explanation as it is evident for everyone and given in his “self-consciousness”. It is the starting point and the goal of the whole evolution in Nature.

JCER Vol 3 Issue 4 Published: Quantum Aspects of Consciousness

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research has just published Volume 3 Issue 4 entitled "Quantum Aspects of Consciousness" at

Table of Contents:


Molecular Uniqueness of Major Depression: Biological Remarks and Theoretical Implications (by Massimo Cocchi, Lucio Tonello, Fabio Gabriellir)

SGJ V3(4) Published: Virtual Reality, Quantum Mind & Self-Reference

Scientific GOD Journal has just published Volume 3 Issue 4 entitled "Virtual Reality, Quantum Mind & Self-Reference" at We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit the journal website to review articles and items of interest. Thank you.

Table of Contents


The World as a Virtual Reality (by James Kowall)


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