Various Proofs of the Existence of GOD & The Nature of Physical Universe: Part 2

The Basic Space-Time Equation of the Universe (by Peter Kohut): Abstract: The elementary building unit of the Universe - quantum connection of opposite poles (quantum dipole) represents the elementary quantum of space. The Universe pulsates thanks to its dialectic contradiction between attraction and repulsion. The cosmic expansion is caused by systematic expelling of new quantum dipoles accompanied with the transition of the Universe from one quantum state to the next by elementary quantum jump, which represents the elementary quantum of time.

Various Proofs of the Existence of GOD & The Nature of Physical Universe: Part 1

The Nature of the Physical Universe (by Peter Kohut): Abstract: The dialectic reason for the division of the whole into its parts is their bipolar nature. There are no differences between parts and connections. All they consist of elementary bipolar connections. Every connection is a part and every part is a network of elementary connections. The elementary part (quantum) is a connection (relation) of two anti-poles and the connection (relation) of anti-poles is an elementary part (quantum).

Various Aspects of Consciousness Continued: Part 2

Commentary on Michael Cecil’s “Towards A New Paradigm of Consciousness” (by Tony Bermanseder): Abstract: Cecil's attempt to delve deeper and to question the validity of this orthodox reductionistic approach to gain a better understanding of what this consciousness is thoroughly justified and is to be applauded.

PSTJ V3(7) Published: The Hunt for the Higgs Boson & the Final Prize

Prespacetime Journal has just published Volume 3 Issue & entitled "The Huntfor the Higgs Boson & the Final Prize" at

Table of Contents:

Special Reports

If There Is a Nobel Prize for the Higgs Boson, Who Will Get It? (by Philip E. Gibbs)


Various Aspects of Consciousness Continued: Part 1

Physical Consciousness in a Self-conscious Quantum Universe (by Tony Bermanseder): Abstract: What is this thing called consciousness? Is it a thing created by the brain, which then in some mysterious manner relates to what sentient beings term mind or awareness or cognitive sensory perception or some other labels of individuated or culturally encompassed nomenclature? The holistic scientist knows that the many labelings can be rather confusing and so he/she chooses to call physical 'Consciousness' as something closely associated with the concept of energy.


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