Glimpses beyond the Two Millennia Old Bondage of the Archimedean Axiom: Part 4

No-Cloning in Reduced Power Algebras (by Elemer E. Rosinger): Abstract: The No-Cloning property in Quantum Computation is known not to depend on the unitarity of the operators involved, but only on their linearity. Based on that fact, here it is shown that the No-Cloning property remains valid when Quantum Mechanics is re-formulated within far wider frameworks of scalars, namely, one or the other of the infinitely many reduced power algebras which can replace the usual real numbers R, or complex numbers C.

Glimpses beyond the Two Millennia Old Bondage of the Archimedean Axiom: Part 3

Group Invariant Entanglements in Generalized Tensor Products (by Elemer E. Rosinger): Abstract: The group invariance of entanglement is obtained within a very general and simple setup of the latter, given by a recently introduced considerably extended concept of tensor products. This general approach to entanglement - unlike the usual one given in the particular setup of tensor products of vector spaces - turns out not to need any specific algebraic structure.

Glimpses beyond the Two Millennia Old Bondage of the Archimedean Axiom: Part 2

Mathematics and "The Trouble with Physics", How Deep We Have to Go? (by Elemer E. Rosinger): Abstract: The parts contributed by the author in recent discussions with several physicists and mathematicians are reviewed, as they have been occasioned by the 2006 book "The Trouble with Physics", of Lee Smolin.

Glimpses beyond the Two Millennia Old Bondage of the Archimedean Axiom: Part 1

Glimpses beyond the Two Millennia Old Bondage of the Archimedean Axiom (by Dainis Zeps): Abstract: This is my Editorial Note as Editor-at-Large on this Focus Issue featuring Elemér E. Rosinger’s recent work.

Various Proofs of the Existence of GOD & The Nature of Physical Universe: Part 3

Something versus Nothing & Some Thoughts on Proof of No God (by Himangsu S. Pal): Abstract: Even if it is claimed by the scientists that the universe has actually started from nothing, and not from something as claimed by the believers, the inevitable conclusion is that in both the cases there must have to be some sort of consciousness at the beginning. I will also argue that the conclusive or decisive proof for God’s non-existence can only be a natural explanation for the origin of the universe and nothing else.


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