Problems in Particle Physics & Bianchi Type-III Cosmological Model: Part 2

Dynamics of Neutrino Oscillations and the Cosmological Constant Problem (by Ervin Goldfain): Abstract: The cosmological constant problem continues to represent a major challenge for theoretical physics and cosmology. The main difficulty arises from the large numerical discrepancy between observational limits of the cosmological constant and quantum predictions based on gravitational effects of the vacuum energy. In this work we argue that the experimental value of this constant may be recovered from the dynamics of neutrino oscillations.

Problems in Particle Physics & Bianchi Type-III Cosmological Model: Part 1

On a Natural Solution for the Hierarchy Problem Using Dimensional Regularization (by Ervin Goldfain): Abstract: This brief report suggests a straightforward solution for the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model using dimensional regularization of quantum field theory (QFT). Our viewpoint breaks away from traditional approaches to the hierarchy problem based on supersymmetry (SUSY), Technicolor, extra-dimensions, anthropic arguments, fine-tuning or gauge unification near the Planck scale.

New Internationale (Internationale 2012)

We Have a Dream: A Call to All Men and Women of Science and Religion to Rise Up (by Huping Hu): Abstract: In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr., we call all men and women of Science and Religion to rise up in the pursuit of truth.

The Relational-Matrix Model of Reality: The Evolution of Existence into Experience: Part 2

How Self-Relational Consciousness Produces and Interacts with Reality (by Huping Hu, Maoxin Wu): Abstract: In essence, Steven E. Kaufman’s work shows how self-relational Consciousness produces and interacts with reality. But to appreciate the important work done by Kaufman, one needs to read the whole 325 pages of this Focus Issue of JCER covering his work.

The Relational-Matrix Model of Reality: The Evolution of Existence into Experience: Part 1

Introduction to The Relational-Matrix Model of Reality (by Steven E. Kaufman): Abstract: In this series of articles, we will show that reality as a whole can be consistently accounted for only if we understand that the nature of the singular existence from which reality extends through the process of repetitive and progressive self-relation isn’t other than consciousness itself.


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