The Mindnature of Mathematics & Experience of Unity at the Origin of Everything: Part 2

Time: A Dimension of Consciousness or of Actual Reality? (by Kurt Dressler): Abstract: Many experiences suggest that it might be best to think of time not as of an objectively existing dimension of reality but as of the limited way in which our normal waking state of consciousness can perceive the overwhelming whole of true reality in its timeless 'all presence'.

The Mindnature of Mathematics & Experience of Unity at the Origin of Everything: Part 1

Mindnature: Origin of Physicality & Mathematics (by Graham P. Smetham): Abstract: The existence of the irrational numbers indicates that reality is not a structure of inherent existence; it is a structure within emptiness. In other words it is because of the background fluid and indeterminate nature of emptiness that any reality can function at all, a remarkable insight on the part of Buddhist philosophy dramatically verified by quantum physics.

Levels, Dimensions & Theatres of Consciousness: Part 2

Paradigm Shifts and the Theater of Consciousness (by James Kowall): Abstract: Recent developments in theoretical physics, which include attempts to unify the laws of the universe, as in string theory, and attempts to explain the origin of the universe, as in inflationary cosmology, are interpreted in terms of the theater of consciousness mental model of the world.

Levels, Dimensions & Theatres of Consciousness: Part 1

Quantum Human & Animal Consciousness: A Concept Embracing Philosophy, Quantitative Molecular Biology & Mathematics (by Massimo Cocchi, Lucio Tonello, Fabio Gabrielli, Massimo Pregnolato, Eliano Pessa): Abstract: Biology and culture, consciousness and the world, subject and object, inner and outer have continuity and find, in the "creative transcendence” of consciousness and its experiences, a privileged degree of understanding.

Reuters reports "Big Bang particle discovery closer" and viXra log reports "LHC Prepares for ICHEP"

Today 06/12/2012 Reuters reports that "[p]hysicists investigating the make-up of the universe are closing in on the Higgs boson, an elusive particle thought to have been key to turning debris from the Big Bang into stars, planets and finally life, scientists said on Tuesday." See here:


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