Some Views on a Better World

Power without Borders (by Leon J. Neihouse): Abstract: The “American Dream of the 21st Century” is a very laudable and idealistic piece. In similar vein, I have been working on a project for almost 37 years. To fight climate change, the Dirigo Energy Institute (“DEI”) recommends a MASS policy of Mutual Assured Survival Systems using a tripod offense of Nuclear Power, Ocean Power, and Solar Power.

Self-Transcending Experience (Narrative & Analysis): Part 3

A Longitudinal History of Self-Transformation: Psychedelics, Spirituality, Activism and Transformation (by Phil Wolfson): Abstract: A longitudinal historical approach for portraying and examining personal transformation is presented along with a proposed instrument—the Transformational Codex—for cataloging that history and the elements that compose it. One element, psychedelic transformation, is then discussed in depth along with a schema for viewing transformations that may occur related to psychedelic use and practice.

Self-Transcending Experience (Narrative & Analysis): Part 2

Background Motivations for My Views on Consciousness (by Chris Nunn): Abstract: I wish to show here that my theories, and my life in general, have been greatly constrained (though I would say enlarged) by a few, brief and unusual experiences. Equally clearly, the content of the experiences reflected to some extent my cultural and personal history. Can they be regarded as no more than a culturally determined curiosity, perhaps a bit like the dancing manias of the Middle Ages or the recent epidemic of ‘alien abduction’ experiences? My personal answer to that question is: ‘No.

Self-Transcending Experience (Narrative & Analysis): Part 1

Editor’s Introduction: Transcending Self-Consciousness (by Gregory M. Nixon): Abstract: What is this thing we each call “I” and consider the eye of consciousness, that which beholds objects in the world and objects in our minds? This inner perceiver seems to be the same I who calls forth memories or images at will, the I who feels and determines whether to act on those feelings or suppress them, as well as the I who worries and makes plans and attempts to avoid those worries and act on those plans.

Continuous vs. Discrete Paradox, Mathematical Emptiness & Infinite Resolution

Scales Solve the Continuous vs. Discrete Paradox (by Ray B. Munroe, Jr.): Abstract: It is the author’s position that Nature is fundamentally both continuous and discrete, and that this paradox is directly responsible for the wave-particle duality of Nature. Two key catalysts in the collapse of continuous wave functions (waves) into sets of discrete quantum numbers (particles) are 1) Scales and 2) Lucas Numbers. These concepts – along with Supersymmetry – may provide the framework for the ultimate unification of bosons and fermions.


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