Holographic World and Virtual Reality

What is Reality in a Holographic World? (by James Kowall): Abstract: The nature of a holographic world is described. This scientific description of the world is based upon the assumptions of modern theoretical physics. These natural assumptions are inherent in any unified theory, such as string theory, and in any theory of the creation of the world, such as inflationary cosmology. At their most basic level, these are the assumptions of the equivalence, uncertainty and action principles, along with the second law of thermodynamics.

JCER 3(6) Published: Entheogens, Existential Reality & Review of Remote Mental Interactions

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research has just published Volume 3 Issue 6 entitled "Entheogens, Existential Reality & Review of Remote Mental Interactions" at http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/issue/view/25.

Table of Contents http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/issue/view/25


Entheogens, the Conscious Brain and Existential Reality: Part 1 (by Chris King)

The Possibility of Metaphysical Knowledge and Insight Part 2

The ‘Epiontic’ Dependently Originating Process of Cyclic Existence According to Early Buddhist Metaphysics (by Graham P. Smetham): Abstract: Some modern Western interpreters of Buddhist teachings and philosophy claim that the original teachings of the Pali Canon were staunchly anti-metaphysical. In this article I exa-mine the early Buddhist worldview and demonstration that this assertion is deeply mistaken.

The Possibility of Metaphysical Knowledge and Insight Part 1

The Possibility of Metaphysics (by Graham P. Smetham): Abstract: Although the title of this focus issue is ‘The Possibility of Metaphysics’ the first part has as its focus not only metaphysics in general but Buddhist metaphysics in particular. This is because the motivation for this focus issue was sparked by an email from a colleague who asked for my opinion of a book written by Robert Ellis.

Some Other Games in the Town of Particle Physics

Nonlinear Theory of Elementary Particles Part XII: The Interaction Description (by Alexander G. Kyriakos): Abstract: In the present article it is shown, that all known interactions of elementary particles (except for gravity) have as a basis the electromagnetic interactions. In particular the classical (linear) electrodynamics describes only the 4-vector interaction.


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