PSTJ Special Issue 3(9): Great Triumph in 21st Century Particle Physics

Prespacetime Journal has just published a Special Issue 3(9) entitled "Great Triumph in 21st Century Particle Physics: The Discovery of a New Particle & the Aftermath" at

Table of Contents:


The Higgs Boson and the Power of Consistency (by Philip E. Gibbs)

The Lingering Hope for Higgs Boson in 2011 Continued

Better Higgs Combo, New Unofficial Higgs Combo & Higgs Signal Plots (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: It is traditional to present the results of searches such as Higgs hunting as Brazil plots that show us where a signal can be excluded at 95% confidence, but when the data starts to show a positive signal it is better to show signal plots like Higgs Signal Plot shown herein. This is just the observed confidence level limit minus the expected with the error bands for one and two sigma statistical variation shown around the signal level line.

The Lingering Hope for Higgs Boson in 2011

Higgs Hunting 2011 (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: The Europhysics HEP conference (EPS) starts in earnest on July 22, 2011 with a good chance that some very strong results on Higgs searches will be revealed. There is likely to be either a plausible signal or an extensive exclusion, and maybe both.

Awareness of the Ultimate Reality of Allah Part 2

Chance or Intelligence? (by Nadeem Haque): Abstract: It is argued that, if our answer to creation by chance is negative, there can only be a unique governing intelligence. This vast singular intelligence must have created and developed all living and non-living things, as well as particles/energy and time itself.

Awareness of the Ultimate Reality of Allah Part 1

A Rational Guide to the Awareness of the Ultimate Reality of Allah (by Nadeem Haque): Abstract: In this article, we shall be examining the method by which one can expand one’s consciousness – a way by which one advances and creates that much sought after inner peace. We shall be analyzing four distinct, yet interrelated stages in an evolution of a human being’s understanding of his/her self and his/her place the universe. We shall be looking into the key ingredients that lead to self-actualized peace, through a unique method of the expansion of human consciousness, which I term: AURA.


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