Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 30: Holographic Archetypes

Top Down & Bottom Up Control of Personal & Collective Consciousness (by Iona Miller)

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 31: Pray and Hope for Peace in the Middle East!

The vicious cycle of violence in the Middle East produces unbearable pains, sufferings and deaths to the people in the region and helplessness and despair for the peace loving people in the rest of the World.

Yet, we must have hope in a hopeless situation and try to help even if we feel helpless. So, let us pray GOD for peace in the Middle-East and urge our respective governments to broker said peace - for, GOD willing, peace is attainable even if it appears impossible.

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 32: The Possibility of Metaphysical Knowledge and Insight

The Possibility of Metaphysics (by Graham P. Smetham)

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 33: From Individual Consciousness to Panexperientialism

Hollows of Memory: From Individual Consciousness to Panexperientialism & Beyond

Dec. 21, 2012 Countdown - Day 34: The Role of Revelation in Science

The Role of Revelation in Science


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