Do not let the moment take you out of the Now

Last night I had a dream, and in that dream there was a billboard that contained the following message:

"Do not let the moment take you out of the Now."

Now usually I do not remember such things but in this case it was clear enough that upon awaking from the dream I repeated it and so was able to still remember it in the morning. Then, in my usual morning meditation, I focused upon this phrase to see what understanding would come forth.

Groundbreaking Results in Consciousness, Quantum Brain & Nonlocality Research (Part II)

JCER News 02/09/2013: The second installment of Special Issue JCER 4(1) featuring the groundbreaking work of "Professor Persinger's Group" is published on Feb. 9, 2013.

My Encounter with God: Part V

All these have actually begun in the year 1969, almost two years before the death of one of my uncles. He was the elder brother of my father. During those two years I had to face a horrible experience of nothingness, because I could not see life anywhere. Life was everywhere, but I could not see it, I could not feel it, I could not touch it. I had instead a sense of void only, of futility of everything.

Groundbreaking Results in Consciousness, Quantum Brain & Nonlocality Research Have Been Achieved by Michael Persinger's Group

JCER News: First installment of JCER 4(1) "Groundbreaking Results in Consciousness, Quantum Brain & Nonlocality Research by Michael Persinger's Group" is published on Feb. 4, 2013. This is a Special Issue of JCER featuring the latest research of Michael Persinger's Group. The articles in this issue will be published in installments within the next several days. Please check back at JCER website for additional articles.

My Encounter with God: Part IV

Telepathy, mind-reading, psycho kinesis, metal bending, faith healing, out-of-the-body experience, poltergeist, and the likes of them-all these are paranormal phenomena. They were treated with scorn and disdain by the main-stream scientists. They were even believed to not occurring at all; rather it was believed that they were mostly falsely reported as occurring by some ignorant and superstitious people. Did I hope then that these paranormal phenomena would help me prove the existence of God? Yes, I did. This is because I myself possessed, and still posses, one paranormal ability.


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