Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Sat, 06/04/2016 - 01:36
Some scientists are now saying that the universe is eternal, that it has always existed even before the big bang. Universe in its present form is only 13.8 billion years old, but before that it has existed in some other form. But before the big bang there was no space and no time, because space and time came into existence along with the big bang only. So if the universe was always there even before the big bang, then it was neither in space nor in time, because before the big bang there was no space and no time. Being neither in space nor in time it will thus be spaceless and timeless.
Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Tue, 05/10/2016 - 00:33
In a debate with Dr. William Lane Craig in March, 2014 theoretical physicist Sean Carroll has said the following in his opening speech:
If you have a universe that obeys the conventional rules of quantum mechanics, has a non-zero energy, and the individual laws of physics are themselves not changing with time, that universe is necessarily eternal. The time parameter in Schrödinger’s equation, telling you how the universe evolves, goes from minus infinity to infinity.1
Submitted by Himangsu Sekhar Pal on Tue, 05/03/2016 - 05:20
Actually science has already admitted the existence of a spaceless and timeless God on the very same day when science has declared that space and time in our universe are relative. This is because existence of a spaceless and timeless God implies the relativity of space and time. Mystics have repeatedly said about their God that he is spaceless and timeless. So, if there is a God, then there is the presence of an everlasting state of spacelessness and timelessness in addition to our universe, because this God is everlastingly present with all his attributes.
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