Does God Exist if God is neither in Space nor in Time?

About God it is usually said that he/she/it is spaceless and timeless, that he/she/it is beyond space and time, that he/she/it is outside of space and time and that he/she/it is neither in space nor in time. What does all this actually mean? Does it mean that God does not exist? Actually many atheists think so. Some of them have expressed their doubt in this way:

Not Only the Believers but the Atheists as Well Can Be Close-Minded

It is not that only believers are close-minded; there are lots of atheists and non-believers who are close-minded as well. I will give just one example here.

Why Light is the Sure and Certain Proof for the Existence of God

It is usually claimed by the atheists and the atheistic scientists that there is no evidence for the existence of God. But it is not true that there is no evidence. Actually the fact is that when any such evidence is offered, it is usually ignored by the atheistic community in general.

Existence of Anything can ultimately point to God.

In an earlier article1 I have written that God cannot be defined, but that God’s attributes can only be described. And the complete description of this God is this: God is spaceless, timeless, changeless, immortal, all-pervading, one, unborn, uncreated, without any beginning, without an end, everlasting, non-composite and immaterial.

Here I will show that the existence of anything will ultimately point to this God.

Easiest Way to Prove that There is a God (New Version)

Recently I put the following question to an atheist:

‘Can you name a single thing in nature that has the property of hardness, but that is not hard itself?’

His reply was this:

‘That doesn’t make sense.’

Then again I wrote to him:


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