Materialization of DNA Fragment and, Wave Genetics in Theory & Practice

Materialization of DNA Fragment and, Wave Genetics in Theory & Practice

Materialization of DNA Fragment in Water through Modulated Electromagnetic Irradiation by Peter P. Gariaev, et. al.

We present a preliminary report on the materialization of DNA fragment in pure water in the presence of its phantom delivered by modulated wide-spectrum electromagnetic irradiation. A full article with details will be presented later. See

Possible Quantum Entanglement in Medical Influence by B. S. Usupbekova, R. A. Mansurova, Peter P. Gariaev

In this paper we reports our results on the effect of the audio version of the modulated wide-spectrum electromagnetic radiation (mShEI) containing information of medicinal plants and minerals. We observed positive effect on recovery and body functions in a group of patients. According to the results of pulse diagnosis (PD) and electroacupuncture diagnostics (EPD), there is increased functional activity of all acupuncture channels. See

Pollack's Findings about Fourth Phase of Water: TGD Point of View by Matti Pitkanen

The discovery of negatively charged exclusion zone formed in water bounded by gel phase has led Pollack to propose the notion of gel like fourth phase of water. In this article this notion is discussed in TGD framework. The proposal is that the fourth phase corresponds to negatively charged regions - exclusion zones - with size up to 100-200 microns generated when energy is fed into the water - say as radiation, in particular solar radiation. The stoichiometry of the exclusion zone is H1.5O and can be understood if every fourth proton is dark proton residing at the flux tubes of the magnetic body assignable to the exclusion zone and outside it. This leads to a model for prebiotic cell as exclusion zone. Dark protons are proposed to form dark nuclei whose states can be grouped to groups corresponding to DNA, RNA, amino-acids, and tRNA and for which vertebrate genetic code is realized in a natural manner. The voltage associated with the system defines the analog of membrane potential, and serves as a source of metabolic energy as in the case of ordinary metabolism. The energy is liberated in a reverse phase transition in which dark protons transform to ordinary ones. Dark proton strings serve as analogs of basic biopolymers and one can imagine analog of bio-catalysis with enzymes replaced with their dark analogs. The recent discovery that metabolic cycles emerge spontaneously in the absence of cell supports this view. See

Morphogenesis, Morphostasis & Learning in TGD Framework by Matti Pitkanen

of the organism is generated and how it is preserved. The standard local approach based on belief on genetic determinism does not allow one to answer these questions satisfactorily. The first approach to this problem relies on a self-organization paradigm in which the local dynamics of cells leads to large scale structures as self-organization patterns. Second approach could be seen as computational. The basic idea is that the process is guided by a template of the target state and morphogenesis and healing are computational processes. What Levin calls morphogenetic fields would define this template. It is known that organisms display a kind of coordinate grid providing positional information that allows cells to "decide" about the profile of genetic expression. The assumption about final goal defining a template can be argued to be too strong: much weaker principle defining a local direction of dynamics and leading automatically to the final state as something analogous to free energy minimum in thermodynamics might be enough. TGD thus suggests an approach, which could be seen as a hybrid of approaches based on self-organization and computationalism. See

The Essence of Linguistic & Wave Genetics in Theory and Practice by Peter P. Gariaev

A new branch of biology and medicine, linguistics-wave-enetics, is proposed. This new branch will be based on the understanding of the genetic apparatus as Quantum Biocomputer (QB) with the characteristic elements of consciousness and thought. The main principles of QB are based on holographic and quantum non-locality. The pilot model of the artificial world is created with laser-based technologies. QB will be capable of the following functions of bio-computation: a) reading wave of genetic information from chromosomes and cell tissue; b) scanning for converting (recording information) laser photons modulated wide-spectrum electromagnetic radiation (mShEI) keeping received primary photon of genetic information; c) wave broadcasting genetic information at macro distances; d) the introduction of genetic information in mShEI form the body of the recipient in its intracellular water; and e) programmable managment and corrections of metabolism, physiology of the recipient, such as a patient or the old man. This new branch is theoretically substantiated and experimentally demonstrated in our research. See

The Strange World of Wave Genetics by Peter P. Gariaev, E. A. Leonova

All biochemical and genetic processes have electromagnetic and audio components. These wave attributes of metabolism and genetic processes can be controlled by the metabolism and thus biosystems. This understanding allows us to remove the accumulated numerous difficulties and contradictions of the old model of the genetic code, which is not to be denied, but incoprated as a part of a whole within the concepts of wave genetics [1-39]. Wave genetics originated in the last century in Russia is a promising breakthrough [1-39]. An initial theory of wave genetics was developed in [40]. As for the experimental evidence of the reality of the existence of wave genes in the form of actual text-like structures and mobile holographic constructions chromosome continuum, there have been several breakthroughs. Increasing evidence support the hypothesis that DNA is a text, not in the metaphorical sense but in the real sense. See