Go for God

Go for God

Summary: If there is a phenomenon in this universe which forever defies natural description, and if science is also found to be incapable of providing a plausible account of it based on material processes alone, then there, and there only, God can show up by proving to be necessary.

Scientist Victor J Stenger in his once bestseller book “God: The Failed Hypothesis” has written: “However, the God of the gaps argument by itself fails, at least as a scientific argument, unless the phenomenon in question is not only currently scientifically inexplicable but can be shown to forever defy natural description. God can only show up by proving to be necessary, with science equally proven to be incapable of providing a plausible account of the phenomenon based on natural or material processes alone”. (pp 13-14)

We are really very grateful to Mr. Stenger for expressing his thoughts with such clarity, because it is extremely rare. Yes, if there is a phenomenon in this universe which forever defies natural description, and if science is also proven to be incapable of providing a plausible account of it based on material processes alone, then in that case only God can show up by proving to be necessary.

Now whatever may be the cause due to which space and time become non-existent for light, at least one thing is absolutely certain here. This cause can be at the very most either an unnatural or a supernatural one, but it can never be a natural one. Natural cause will be for that entity only that exists neither in space nor in time. As light is not such an entity, so in this case of light we find a phenomenon that, according to Victor J Stenger, will “forever defy natural description”.

But even if this phenomenon forever defies natural description, does that mean that it defies a material description as well? That is, can science not provide a plausible account of it based on material processes alone? If science shows that there is really such a one, then it cannot be said that not only this phenomenon forever defies natural description, but also it defies any material description as well. So in that case God cannot show up by proving to be necessary at all. But it is our urgent wish to show that there is at least one phenomenon in this universe where God will ultimately show up by proving to be necessary. Therefore we must have to find out as to whether there can really be any such material description of the phenomenon in question here. If we find that no such description is scientifically possible, then that will only show that in this case science is proven to be incapable of providing a plausible account of the phenomenon based on material processes alone, thus leaving only God to show up by proving to be necessary.

So, can there really be a material description of this mind-boggling case of light, where we find that even an infinite distance as well as a time-interval of an eternity becomes zero for it? How do the scientists propose to explain these facts by material processes alone? Or, shall we have to go for God here?